Coleção 084/1 - Papers of Captain Henry Waterhouse

Zona de identificação

Código de referência

AU AU-MTC 084/1


Papers of Captain Henry Waterhouse


  • 1788-1840 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

Loose manuscript papers, manila folders

Zona do contexto

Nome do produtor


História biográfica

Captain Henry Waterhouse (1770-1812) arrived in the colony with the First Fleet, as a midshipman on board Captain Phillip’s ship Sirius. He accompanied Phillip to Norfolk Island and on expeditions inland. After returning to England on the Supply in 1792, Governor Hunter appointed him captain of the Reliance and he sailed to Sydney again in 1795. Waterhouse imported the first Spanish merino sheep to the colony in 1797, and supplied lambs to many settlers including John Macarthur and Samuel Marsden. He supported the governor against the officers of the New South Wales Corps and was given several land grants. He would have made Moore’s acquaintance during this time, before
returning to England in 1800, where he lived near Rochester, Kent until his death. He was a witness at the marriage of his sister to George Bass and a friend of Matthew Flinders.

História do arquivo

Transferred from the Sydney Diocesan Library in the 1950s. Further material relating to Henry Waterhouse is held by the State Library of NSW.

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Zona do conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

Manuscript Letter from Henry Waterhouse [England] to [Thomas Moore], 20 October 1804
Capt Henry Waterhouse to Mr. Thomas Moore, Builder, New South Wales, favored by Mr. Blaxland, 18 September 1806
Capt Henry Waterhouse to Thomas Moore, 24 April 1812
Instrument signed by Henry Waterhouse appointing Thomas Moore as *'my true and Lawful Attorney to act for me in all cases the same as if I myself was present", dated 23 April 1812
William Waterhouse, 6 Smith Square, Westminster, to Thomas Moore, 21 September, 1812, re death of his son Captain Henry Waterhouse
Copy of Henry Waterhouse's Will, dated 22 May, 1793, with annexed instrument [Grant of Administration] and Seal of the Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury, appointing William Waterhouse as Executor, 14 August 1812
Indenture made in Sydney on 17th August 1797, between Philip Schaffer of Parramatta and Henry Waterhouse of Sydney for the sale of The Vineyard. Parramatta, "laying on the North side of the Creek leading to Parramatta" containing by estimation 140 acres of land, granted to Philip Schaffer by Crown Grant dated 5th April 1787
Copy of Land Grant, John Hunter to Captain Henry Waterhouse, for 4Vi acres in the District of Parramatta
Copy of Letter from Samuel Marsden and Rowland Hassall to Moore, with assessment of value of Waterhouse's farm at Parramatta
Documents relating to sale of cattle belonging to Waterhouse, and drafts sending proceeds to London
Land Grant, and appended wafer seal, Governor John Hunter to James Redman, District of Banks Town, 60 acres of land called Redman Farm dated 12 March 1800, with further notation on reverse of deed recording conveyance of same land by subsequent sale for £50 Sterling by Mary Marlborough to Thomas Moore, dated 6 December 1809
Payment Order dated 3rd May, 1813 & signed by John Berick, Paymaster 1 Batt. 73rd Regiment of Foot, drawn on the 1st Battalion, 73d Regiment of Foot, in Sydney, NSW, for pay owing to H.McArthur for £160 included in Paymaster's Monthly Estimate for services specified in the Order to the 24th April, 1813
Payment Order dated 3rd May, 1813, & signed by John Berick, Paymaster 1 Batt. 73rd Regiment of Foot, drawn on the 1st Battalion, 73d Regiment of Foot, in Sydney, NSW, for pay owing to Captain William Waterhouse for £165: 13: 6 included in Paymaster's Monthly Estimate for services specified in the Order to the 24th April, 1813

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Open access

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Características físicas e requisitos técnicos

Instrumentos de descrição

A list and transcription of the documents is available on the Ark Repository:

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Depósito físico

  • Prateleira: Rare Book room