The archives was given the name “Samuel Marsden Archives” to honour the association between Moore College and St. John’s Church, Parramatta, whose first rector was Samuel Marsden. He is one of the most significant figures in the religious history of New South Wales, and the archives contains a large number of his sermon manuscripts.
The Samuel Marsden Archives is the repository for physical format records of Moore College, which have been determined to be non-active and of continuing historical value.
The Samuel Marsden Archives contains the Moore Theological College Archives, which have been accumulating since the founding of the College in 1856, and which provide a historical record of College activities. The College collection includes governance records, faculty, staff and student records, course material, building, accommodation, catering and library records. The Archives also collects promotional material and ephemera relating to college activities, and college publications such as Societas, newsletters and annual reports, as well as realia, photographs and audio visual material.
The Samuel Marsden Archives accepts the records of organisations with a historical, theological or professional connection to Moore College, or organizations situated within the Anglican Diocese of Sydney. Present external organizational collections include the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students, Marella Mission Farm, the Anglican Church League, the Mothers’ Union and the Australian Church Record. The Archives also collects the personal papers of College faculty, alumni, clergy and notable laymen and women.
Applying for access
Access applications to material in the archives is assessed on an individual basis, and permission depends on the status of the applicant, any access restrictions on the material they wish to view and the purpose for which they intend to use it. The Request to Access Material on Restricted Access form must be completed, including the name and address of the applicant. These forms are retained as a record of access.
Handling materials
Once access has been given for an individual to use records in the Samuel Marsden Archives, careful handling procedures must be observed in order to preserve the material in the best condition possible. Material may only be used within the Moore College Library building under supervision. Care must be taken to keep documents in their original order. Food and drink, ink pens and flash photography are prohibited. Users must have clean hands and/or use gloves when appropriate, and may not photocopy material.
Personal records and third party information
Individuals may request access to their own personal information, even if it is held in a collection with restricted access. They may not access the records of anyone else without that person’s permission in writing. The Request for Copies of Personal Documents form must be completed, which includes the applicant’s name and address and details of copies of personal records which they have been given.
Permission to publish/reproduce material
The Samuel Marsden Archives may grant permission for material to be included in a published work. The Application for Permission to Publish or Reproduce Archival and other Materials must be completed, detailing the material which is being used and the nature of the work it is being used for. In the case of commercial publications, the Archives may charge a fee for the use of material. The applicant is responsible for determining the copyright status of the material they wish to use and obtaining permission from the copyright holder. The applicant must credit the Samuel Marsden Archives, Moore Theological College, as the owner of the source material, in addition to any other credit.