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Henry Waterhouse's Will, 22nd May 1793

Administration with will annexed of Captn Henry Waterhouse deceased, dated 14 day of August 1812.
"In the name of God - I Henry Waterhouse Lieutenant in His Majesty's Navy, living in bodily health and of sound and disposing mind and memory and surviving the perils and Dangers of the Seas and other uncertainties of this transitory Life (do for avoiding controversies after my decease make publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner following (that is to say) First I [recommend?] my Soul to God that gave it and my Body I commit to the Earth or Sea as it shall please God to order Mid as for [re all my worldly Estate I give bequeath and dispose thereof as followeth that is to say all my wages half pay prize money or Chattels and Estate whatsoever as shall be anyways since owing or [ —ing] unto me at the time of my [—] I do give & devise and bequeath
the same unto my Father William Waterhouse of Mount Street Cros—or Square And I do hereby nominate and appoint my friend Mr. Osborne Standert of the Navy Office Executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former and other wills Testaments and Deeds of Gifts by me at any time heretofore made and I do ordain and ratify these Presents to stand and be for and as my only last will and testament. In witness whereof to this my said will I hereon set my Hand and Seal the twenty second Day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and ninety three and in the thirty third year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the third over Great Britain."
[Signed] Henry Waterhouse (SS).
Signed sealed published and [?] in the presence of T. Dodd [and] John Morris"
"Extract by Adderley & Box, Proctors Doctors Commons"
"By Decree"

Appended to the parchment extract is a smaller parchment annexure being an extract from an instrument [a Grant of Administration by Charles, Archbishop of Canterbury] appointing William Waterhouse as Administrator of the estate of Henry Waterhouse, the original instrument, of which this is an extract, being given at London on the 14th August, 1812. [Dimensions: 200mm x 203mm]
Appended to the annexure is a wafer "Seal of the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury". [Dimensions of wafer Seal: 93mm x 79mm]
[Text of Grant of Administration]
Charles by Divine Providence Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, and Metropolitan, To our well beloved in Christ, William Waterhouse the Father and [U—] Legatee named in the Will of Henry Waterhouse late of Smiths Square in the Parish of Saint John the Evangelist Westminster in the County of Middlesex and a Post Captain in the Royal Navy [de—] Greeting; Whereas the said Henry Waterhouse, having whilst living, and at the Time of his Death, Goods, Chattels or Credits, in diver Dioceses or Jurisdictions, did (as is alleged) in his Life-time rightly and duly make his last Will and Testament (hereunto annexed) and did therein name Osborne Standert Esquire, sole Executor, who hath renounced the Probate and execution thereof.
AND WE being desirous that the said Goods, Chattels and Credits may be well and faithfully administered, applied and dispose of the said Goods, Chattels and Credits, according to the Tenor and Effect of the said Will,; and first to pay the Debts of the said Deceased, which he did owe at the Time of his Death, and afterwards the Legacies contained and specified in the said Will, so far as such Goods, Chattels and Credits, will thereto extend and the law requires: You having been already sworn, well and faithfully to administer the same, and to make a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the said Goods, Chattels and Credits, and to exhibit the same into the Registry of our Prerogative Court of Canterbury, on or before the last Day of February ensuing, and also to render a just and true Account thereof, And we do by these Presents ordain, depute and constitute you Administrator of all and singular the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the said Deceased (with the said Will annexed.) Given at London the fourteenth Day of August in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve and in the Eighth Year of our Translation.
Geo. Gostting
Nath. Gostting
R.C. Creswell
Deputy Registrars
Extracted by Adderley & Box, Proctors Doctors Commons
"Sworn under One Hundred Pounds G.B."

Indenture made in Sydney on 17th August 1797, between Philip Schaffer of Parramatta and Henry Waterhouse of Sydney for the sale of The Vineyard, Parramatta

Indenture made in Sydney on 17th August 1797, between Philip Schaffer of Parramatta and Henry Waterhouse of Sydney for the sale of The Vineyard. Parramatta, "laying on the North side of the Creek leading to Parramatta" containing by estimation 140 acres of land, granted to Philip Schaffer by Crown Grant dated 5th April 1787. [Bearing the original signatures of "John McArthur" and
"William Neale" as witnesses, and of Philip Schaffer and William Waterhouse as vendor and purchaser. [Watermark: "A. Blackwell" on page 1, and a Crown and throne watermark on page 2].
The text of this Indenture is as follows:-
This Indenture made at Sydney in the County of Cumberland in New South Wales this Seventeenth day of August in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Ninety Seven, Between Philip Schaffer of Parramatta in the County aforesaid of the one part, & Henry Waterhouse Esq. Of Sydney in the County aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said Philip Schaffer in consideration of Five Shillings of lawful Money of Great Britain to him in hand paid by the said Henry Waterhouse Esq. at or before the ensealing & delivery of these Presents, the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged & for the good Causes & Considerations him the said Philip Schaffer hereunto specially moving, has bargained & sold & by these presents doth bargain & sell unto the said Henry Waterhouse Esqr. All that the Messuage or Tenement known by the name of The Vineyard laying on the North side of the Creek leading to Parramatta, containing by estimation One Hundred & Forty Acres of land be the same more or less, now in the possession of the said Philip Schaffer, by virtue of a Grant from the Crown bearing date the Twenty Fifth Day of April in the year of Our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred & eighty seven; together with all and singular the Houses, Outhouses, Buildings, Gardens, Lands, Meadows, Commons, Pastures, Feedings, Woods, Underwoods, Hays, Paths, Waters, Watercourses, Privileges, Profits, Easements, Commodities, Advantages, Emoluments, Hereditaments & appurtenances whatsoever to the said One hundred & forty Acres of land belonging or appertaining, or with the same used or enjoyed, or accepted, reputed taken or known, as Part, Parcel or member thereof; or as belonging to the same or any Part thereof, & the Reversion & Reversions, Remainder & Remainders, Yearly & other Rents issues & profits thereof, & of every part & parcel thereof, To have & to hold the said Messuage or Tenement, Lands, Hereditaments & all & Singular other the Premises herein before mentioned or intended to be bargained & sold, & every Part & Parcel thereof, with their every of their Rights, Members, & Appurtenance unto the said Henry Waterhouse Esqr. His Executors,
Administrators & Assigns, from the day next before the day of the Date of these Presents, for and during & until the full end and term of One whole year from thence next ensuing & fully to be compleate & ended Yielding & paying therefore into the said Philip Schaffer His Heirs & Assigns the Yearly Rent of One Pepper Corn at the expiration of the said Term if the same shall be lawfully
demanded, To the Intent & Purpose that by Virtue of these Presents, & of the Statute for transferring uses into Possession, he the said Henry Waterhouse Esqr may be in the actual possession of the Premises, & be thereby enabled to take & accept a grant & Release of the Reversion & Inheritance of the Same Premises to him his Heirs & Assigns, to the uses, Intents & purposes thereof to be declared by another Indenture intended to bear date, the next Day after the Day of the Date hereof. In Witness whereof the Parties to these Presents their Hands and Seals have subscribed & set, the day & year first above written.
Sealed & Delivered (where no stamps are used or can be had) in the Presence of
John McArthur Philip Schaffer [Seal]
Wm. Neale W. Waterhouse [Seal]

Copy of Land Grant, John Hunter to Captain Henry Waterhouse, for 4 acres in the District of Parramatta

Copy of Land Grant, John Hunter to Captain Henry Waterhouse, for 4Vi acres in the District of Parramatta, "laying & situate in the District of Parramatta & bounded on the West side by a Creek which is the Eastern boundary of the Farm known by the name of the Vineyard", signed & sealed on the 17th October 1797. [Watermark 1805]

Land grant and appended wafer seal, for Redman Farm

Land Grant, and appended wafer seal, Governor John Hunter to James Redman, District of Banks Town, 60 acres of land called Redman Farm dated 12 March 1800, with further notation on reverse of deed recording conveyance of same land by subsequent sale for £50 Sterling by Mary Marlborough to Thomas Moore, dated 6 December 1809, "for and in consideration of the Sum of Forty Pounds Sterling in hand paid by Tos. Moore of Sydney to Mary Morlbough [or Morlborough], Convey and Make over to the said Thos Moore his Heirs and Assigns the within allotment of Ground and Premises to be held by him his Heirs and Assigns for ever - In witness My hand and Seal this sixth Day of December in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Eight Hundred and Nine.
Witness present
Saml. Adams"
"Registered in the Secretary's Office".
This Grant by Captain John Hunter, dated 12th March 1800, bears the original signature of Governor Hunter and the signatures as witnesses of George Johnston and James Williamson.
A wafer seal is appended to the Grant with frayed blue cloth.

Correspondence received

  • AU AU-MTC 033/9
  • Reeks
  • 1801

Letters from family members in England

Broughton, Sarah

Letter from Henry Waterhouse to Thomas Moore, 20th October 1804

Dear Sir,
I was much oblig'd by your letter by the Calcutta - & Capt. Woodruffe informs me he has the Log at
Portsmouth - for which accept my thanks as likewise the seed by the Venus whaler the Log & Dove I
was not so fortunate in but am nevertheless obliged. Andrew has been constantly well, & far from
what you suppose of a delicate Constitution, & I hope his improvement will meet yours & his
Mother's approbation, he writes to you by this conveyance. He has been several times down with
Mr. White during the holidays who informs me he has always made him write to you -I was much
pleased with the newspaper you sent me, & may I beg you will send me any spare ones you may
have -I have as usual sent the papers under cover to Captn. Rowley which are for your perusal as
well as his as I have not two sets to send - You will find Capt. McArthur has sold his commission, &
goes out as a settler, Capt. Townson has sold his Commission & is going out as a settler. Captain
Prentice is on half pay & means to return to New South Wales, indeed things are at such a pitch here
that it is next to impossible to live here - I wish I was back again. I understand numbers of familys of
from four to five hundred a year are making application to Government for encouragement to go to
N.S. Wales & only wait some alteration in the mode of the Laws to embark. Balmain died about the
time I wrote last, as did Mr. Beckwith in a garret without a rag to cover him. I have not heard
anything of Mr. Johnston the Clergyman since the death of his Daughter. Mr. Thompson the Surgeon
is trying to get out again. - Capt Hunter commands the Venerable a 74, & I hope soon to get a ship...
The newspapers will give you an account of this country - I can only say we are in the same state we
were a year ago expecting an invasion that England is a perfect garrison, well prepared to meet the
Enemy - sanguine as the new Emperor seems to be, it is supposed he will attempt some blow, but
that he has delayed it too long - I am very sorry to hear so bad an account of my farm - as it is all I
have to leave my little Girl who is very well. I have lost enough by Mr. Cox - I know I need not say if
you can assist Capt. Rowley in doing any thing to better my concerns in the Colony, I shall feel very
much oblig'd, & will thankfully repay any expences [sic] that if you can you will do it. The Spanish
wool & some of the wools of N.S. Wales I believe will shortly be an object of attention to
Government, from which I think you may profit, by keeping your wool &c &c. I hope to hear from
you by ships coming to this Country, & be assured I shall not forget the promise I made you when I
received him from you nor will my family should I be absent in attending to the welfare of Andrew -
remember me kindly to Mrs. Moore.
I am
Yours truly
H. Waterhouse
Oct 20th 1804
Remember me to all my friends.

Letter from Henry Waterhouse to Thomas Moore, 18th September 1806

Dear Sir
It is so short a time since I last wrote that I have nothing further to say than that Andrew is well, will
be in London tomorrow from Dr. Whites, where he has been for the Holidays and will write to you &
Mrs. Moore, this will be given to you by my Friend Mr. Blaxland to whom any service you can render
on his arrival, I shall consider as an obligation, he goes out with his family, you already I suppose
know I have let my farm to him for seven years, & that he will take charge of my stock. Therefore I
trust to your friendship in giving him any assistance that may be in your power, in my last about a
fortnight ago I mentioned having received the Birds you were good enough to send me. My best
regards to Mrs. Moore.
Yours truly
H. Waterhouse
September the 18th, 1806
"Turn over"
[On reverse]
"I shall desire Andrew when he arrives in Town, to write to you, & seal it himself which I will send to
Mr. Blaxland, & not having been seen by any body, you will know his real sentiments. My Father
proposes to send you the Newspapers, & will write at the same time. In which you will see the Death
of two of the greatest characters that ever lived Mr. Pitt & Mr. Fox."

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