Note by Mariel Jones, (daughter), written in ink on the first page of journal. The note was probably written in the late 1960's prior to donating the papers to the college. Some newspaper clippings, notes, etc. were found interleaved at appropriate entries; these have been left in place. First recorded in June 1888, detailing events from Sunday 8th April, 1888, when Jones and Gracie were living at Port Arlington. Relates trip to Melbourne for final examinations and ordination (ordained 27th May, 1888). Notes receipt of letters, daily activities. Records Jones' appointment as priest to 'Tarnagulla', and the uproar this caused amongst his Port Arlington parishioners, who wanted to secede from their present parish and set up a new one with Jones as their priest. Includes a transcript of a report on the controversy, which appeared in the "Geelong Times", Saturday, 7th July, 1888. Left Port Arlington 16th July,1888. Arrived in Tarnagulla 26th July,1888. Entries proceed to 2nd December,1888. Journal recommences 4th February, 1889. The entries for 1889 onward are much less regular, with large gaps between entries. 1889 entries record daily life at Tarnagulla and revolve mostly around Jones' parish work at Tarnagulla and Newbridge; services commenced, visits around the district (Newbridge, Tarnagulla, Faradale, Kangaroo Flat, Sandhurst, Inglewood, Golden Square, Marsh), callers received, 'womens meetings' (from 19th June,1889 onward), 9th September,1889 is the first reference to problems with Jones' throat. November 1889 entries include an account of a visit to Melbourne to consult a doctor about the condition, which was diagnosed as a growth in the throat. Returned to Port Arlington via. Kew. Last entry for 1889 made 22nd November,1889.
The entries for 1890 are extremely sparce and often undated, giving only the day of the week. Gives details of services preached and/ or attended and a record of visitors received and visits made around the parish. Jones notes his study of various bible chapters and secondary -works of theology but makes no comments and gives no-opinions on these. The journal ends at 29th August, 1890 with a pencil note that it is "continued page 1". However, entries for 9th December, 1890 -26th December, 1890 are included on four loose pages enclosed at the end of the volume.