- AU AU-MTC 102/1
- Serie
- 1886-1999
Pamphlets, news cuttings, parish magazines and photographs relating to parishes in the Diocese of Sydney
Church of England Historical Society
Pamphlets, news cuttings, parish magazines and photographs relating to parishes in the Diocese of Sydney
Church of England Historical Society
Interior and exterior of the cathedral, groups and individuals
St Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney
CEHS Bulletin and mailing lists
News bulletin sent to members. Mailing list for 1970. Associated ephemera.
Church of England Historical Society
35mm slides - photographs of churches
Photographs of church buildings, cemeteries, monuments and memorials, associated with the Anglican Church of Australia.
Church of England Historical Society
Biographical material relating to Anglican clergy and other individuals
News clippings, obituaries and other documents providing information about the lives of clergymen and other significant individuals. With the exception of Mrs Dorothy Mowll, wives of clergy have been filed with their husbands.
Andrews, Mary
Archdale, Betty
Arnott, Felix
Ash, Fortescue
Ashton, John
Barton Babbage, Stuart
Barder, Horace
Barker, Frederic
Barnett, Paul
Bartlett, Lawrence
Bates, Joan
Bidwell, John
Boyce, Francis Bertie
Broughton, William Grant
Browning, George
Burgmann, Ernest
Capell, Arthur
Cartwright, Robert
Cash, Frank
Charlton, (?) Archdeacon
Chynoweth, Neville
Claydon, E.H.B.
Coggan, Donald
Cordell, O.T.
Cowper, William
Cranmer, Thomas
Dain, Jack
Davidson, E.J.
D'Arcy-Irvine, Gerard
Davies, David John
Davies, Stephen
Delbridge, Graham
Devenish-Meares, Matthew
Digges La Touche, Everard
Dumolo, Harriett
Foord, Dudley
Foxe, John
Frewer, John
Fulton, Henry
Garnsey, D.A.
Gledhill, Percy Walter
Goodhew, Harry
Goodwin Hudson, Arthur
Gough, Hugh
Guinness, Howard
Gunther, William
Halse, Reginald
Hammond, Thomas Chatterton
Hassall, Thomas
Heath, Eileen
Hilliard, William
Hinsby, M.G.
Holmes, H.R.
Housden, J.A.
Hulme-Moir, Francis
Jensen, Peter
Jobbins, Boak
Johnson, Richard
Judd, Bernard
Kerle, R.C.
Kirkby, S.J.
Knox, David Broughton
Leslie, E.K.
Loane, Marcus Lawrence
Madden, H.B.
Malcolm, Arthur
Marsden, Samuel - file includes original pastel portrait
Morton, Archibald
Mosby, Ted
Mowll, Dorothy
Mowll, H.W.K. - includes original illuminated address from the Council of St Catherine's Clergy Daughters' School Waverley
Moyes, John Stoward,
Neale, John Mason
Newth, Melville C.
O'Brien, Ronald Arthur "Terry"
Penman, Donald
Phillips, Helen Plummer
Pilcher, Charles Venn
Pitt, Olive Margery
Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Ramsey, Michael
Roberts, Basil Coleby
Robinson, D.W.B.
Runcie, Robert
Saumarez Smith, William
Selwyn, Arthur Edward
Selwyn, George Augustus
Shevill, Ian
Shilton, Lance
Stack, W.
Stevenson, W.H.W.
Stone-Wigg, Montagu John
Strong, Philip
Symond, Mildred
Talbot, Albert Edward
Thomas, Mesac
Tugwell, Frederic William
Tyrell, William
Wand, J.W.C.
Warren, Cecil Allan
Watson, Peter
Wilson, Bruce
Wilton, E.N.
Witt, Howell
Woods, Frank
Wright, John Charles
Church of England Historical Society
Missions, social welfare, youth and other parachurch organisations:
Anglican Historical Conference
Anglican Church League
Bishop Broughton Centenary
Board of Diocesan Missions
Board of Education
Bush Brotherhood
Bush Church Aid
Charlton Home for Boys
Christian Social Order Movement
Church Army
Church of England Boys' Society
Church of England Fellowship
Church of England Homes
Church of England Immigration Office
Church of England Mens' Society
Church of England Sunday School Institute
Church of England Temperance Society
Church of England Youth Department
(Sydney Diocesan) Churchwomen's Association
Community of the Sisters of the Church
Deaconess Institution
Gilbulla Memorial Conference Society
Girls' Friendly Society
Glebe Administration Board
Home Mission Society
Mothers' Union
Order of St Luke the Physician
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
Sydney Church of England New Housing Areas Committee
Sydney Diocesan Archives and Church History Museum
200th Anniversary of the first Christian service in Australia
Vision for Growth - Archbishop Robinson
Vision 2001 - Archbishop Goodhew
Young Anglican Association
Church of England Historical Society
Material relating to Australian history, significant people and events, other historical societies.
Biographical news cuttings
Blacket, Edmund
Eventide Homes
Fort St High School
Graveyards and cemeteries
Greenway, Francis
Historic buildings - Sydney
Historic houses
Horbury Hunt, John
Indigenous people
Kennedy, Edmund (explorer)
Nathan, Isaac (composer)
Oliphant, Mark (atheist)
Royal Family
Ruse, James
Church of England Historical Society
Material relating to other Christian organizations
Aboriginal Evangelical Fellowship
Australian Festival of Light
Australian Religious Film Society
Bible Society
Billy Graham Crusade 1979
Ceylon and India General Mission
China Inland Mission
Christian Broadcasting Association
Christian Radio Missionary Fellowship
Combined Churches Services
Evangelical History Association
Interchurch Trade and Industry Mission
Intervarsity Fellowship Including the Evangelical Union
Mission to Seamen
Missionary Aviation Fellowship
Open Air Campaigners
Order of St John
Police Centenary Celebration 1962
Postal Sunday School Movement
Prince Henry Hospital Coast Chapel
Red Cross
Royal Australian Navy Chapel
Royal North Shore Hospital Chapel
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Chapel
Royal School of Church Music
Scripture Union
Sky Pilot Fellowship
South Sea Evangelical Mission
Sudan United Mission
Sydney City Mission
Sydney Missionary and Bible College
Sydney Hospital St Luke's Chapel
Toc H
United Church Action
United Protestant Association of NSW
World Council of Churches including Australian Council of Churches and the NSW Council of Churches
World's Evangelical Alliance
Church of England Historical Society
Files with collected material on theological and other topics.
'The Anglican' newspaper
Bible Garden, Palm Beach
Chinese Christians
Christian commentary
Church and state
Church history
Church music
Church needlework
Church schools and public education
Clergy and ordination
Conservatism in Christian churches
Constitution - Anglican church
Cook bicentenary of thanksgiving
Diocese of Sydney
Easter and Good Friday
Family and children
God in history
Hospital chaplaincy
Life after death
Liturgy, worship and Holy Communion
Marriage, sex and divorce
Mass media
Mutual responsibility and interdependence movement
Ordination of women
Oxford movement
Prayer and meditation
The primacy
Rabaul in WWII
Religious adherence in Australia
Roman Catholicism
Slum clearance
Spiritual healing
State aid to church schools
Sunday observance
Sunday schools and material designed for children
Tabernacle - Old Testament
Church of England Historical Society
Church of England Historical Society Journal Index
Church of England Historical Society