Item 4 - Diary and convention notes

Zona de identificação

Código de referência

AU AU-MTC 041/1-4


Diary and convention notes


  • 1907 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

Exercise book, 26 x 20 cm

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Nome do produtor


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Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

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Âmbito e conteúdo

A brief calendar record of events from January to December is followed by the titles for Prayer Meeting addresses held on Fridays in the College Chapel. The next page gives titles and Bible passages for sermons preached in the College Chapel throughout 1907, followed by a schedule of sermons preached in other churches and addresses and lectures given outside college. Following the above are a number of longer journal entries concerning the 'Katoomba Convention'. There are 18 single-sided pages of these entries covering Saturday, 12th January, 1907 to 25th January,1907 (the end of the convention) and including newspaper clippings about the convention. The next section of the volume is a collection of pasted-in clippings on various subjects and events; agendas, notices, speech notes (including a speech for the farewell Social for John Langley, who had became Bishop of Ballarat 26th February 1907), and some copies of letters sent by Jones. Some journal entries are interspersed. On page 53 is a 'memorandum of a meeting with Connelly, who came to see if Jones would allow himself to be nominated for the vacancy at St. Philip's. Clippings from the newspapers and Church magazines include several with reference to the Chatswood Convention (3rd June 1907). An account is given of a trip to Melbourne for 'the Convention in Chapter House' (5th Annual Church of England Convention), followed by a visit to Bendigo. The entries cover 1st July 1907 to 12 July 1907. Jones notes the visit of Mr. Inwood to the Sydney Convention 1st September, 1907-6th September, 1907. The final quarter of the volume is blank. 2 sheets of paper 20 x 12.5 cm is enclosed in the journal, being calendar/ journal entries dated April.2 - 8th and April 16 - 22 (the year is not noted).
Letter to Grace Jones, 21st January, tipped in at page 38. Describes stay at Khandala, gives an account of a sermon given by Mr Breznew-Ball, the local Rector (late Curate to Carr-Smith).
Letter to Grace Jones, 9th February, tipped in at page 42. Written when Jones was in Melbourne to preach at the consecration of Bishop Langley (Bishop of Bendigo).
Letter to John Jones (Nathaniel's brother), 26th March 1907, tipped in at page 48. Gives an account of his summer vacation and plans to visit England in the near future.
Letter to Dr and Mrs Mitchell, 26th March 1907, tipped in at page 48. A belated reply to a letter from Mrs. Mitchell dated 3rd June,1906. Recounts a rail journey which he and Gracie took into Queensland to spend Christmas with the Youngs at Fairymead, near Bundaberg, and describes the Youngs' sugar plantation and the work thereupon. Jones gives an account of the rest of his journeys during the vacation; Summer School in the Blue Mountains,the Katoomba Convention, Melbourne for the Consecration of Langley as Bishop of Bendigo. Discusses the education controversy in England (religious instruction) and gives an outline of the situation in Australia. Notes his plans to visit England in the coming summer.

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