Item 1 - Diary - 28th May -16th June 1887

Zona de identificação

Código de referência

AU AU-MTC 041/1-1


Diary - 28th May -16th June 1887


  • 1887 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

24 folded pages, 30.5 x 18.5 cm

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Recalls Jones' decision to travel to Australia in the hope of improving his health. His family were initially concerned at his decision but were eventually reconciled to the move. Outlines the clothing and equipment desirable on the journey and describes the ship's cabins etc. Describes his first visit to 'The Harbinger', to make arrangements for the journey and to meet the Captain, the departure from England, and his decision to keep a diary of the voyage. Gives an account of shipboard lifestyle and activities; the livestock on board, the 'watches', meals, passengers, seasickness, seasickness cures, 'tacking' the ship. Regular mention of 'The Young Widow' or 'The Medical Lady'. This young woman was later to become his wife. Jones notes his first meeting with her, at the Captain's table (Sunday, 29.May 1887) . Prayer meetings were being conducted on board and Services on Sundays. Also theological discussions. Sunday, 12.June 1887 gives an account of the ship's journey past the island of Madeira. Portuguese Men-Of-War and Flying Fish were sighted in the sea. Entries from Monday, 13 June 1887 to Thursday 16 June 1887 inclusive constitute Jones' attempt to provide a "record in detail of all that goes on [aboard ship]... .Sufficient to give an idea of how time was spent". This includes a description of the controversy which arose when the Steward discovered that a sailor had been stealing sardines. The ship came in sight of the Canary Islands 16 June 1887. This is the final entry of the journal.

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