Item 13 - Addresses and broadcasts

Zona de identificação

Código de referência

AU AU-MTC 044-8-13


Addresses and broadcasts


  • 1955-1960 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

1 manila folder

Zona do contexto

Nome do produtor

História do arquivo

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Zona do conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

Distortions of History.
The Church.
The problem of Church and State.
Protestants would like to know.
Was Transubstantiation an early belief?
Dr. Rumble and Doctor Smith.
Milner and Foxe.
The problem of the Fallen Aways.
The Evolution of the Mass.
Reformation or Revolt?
Is Protestantism Apostolic?
Does the word of God depend on Tradition?
Disturbing Factors in Discussion..9/6/1957.
Curiosities of Controversy.
The Problem of Tolerance.
Vacillations on tradition.
Does St. James contradict St. Paul?
A remarkable Conversion.
Dangers of Tradition. 21/12/1958.
Blunders of Popes.
Protestant contribution to the world.
Roman Catholic Divisions.
Is the Roman Church always the same?
An official Forgery. 27/11/1955.
Awkward Questions.
handwritten- Article XXVII. 5p.
handwritten- Protestants would like to know. 13p.
handwritten- Australia in the Western World. 7p.
handwritten- Exaggerated language on saint worship. 6p.
The Invocation of Saints. 6p.handwritten.
Further Comments by J.B.Bury.
handwritten- Why we believe there is no further revelation 2p
handwritten-Article XXV 4p.
handwritten- The relationship between Jesus Christ and his mother.
Lesson 2, Lesson 3, The Church.
How can there be three in one?
What is the meaning of 'only begotten'? 14/7/1959.
The holy spirit's work in justification.
The work of the holy spirit in regeneration.
The Immaculate Conception. 10/11/1957.
problems connected with the Mass continued.
What is meant by tradition.
Communion in one kind.
Dr. Salmon and Milner's Axioms.
Dr. Rumble and Sectarians continued.
handwritten- Dr. Salmon and Dr. Milner's axioms continued. 6p.
More about Foxe.
Milner and Foxe.
What is invincible ignorance?
Reformation or deformation?
Protestants badly instructed.
The Roman Catholic church and Religious Freedom.
The Breviary and Baronus at Fault.
St. Philip's church -monthly Letter. June,1960.
Reply to Criticism.
Limits of denominational Authority.
The proposed second Vatican council.
handwritten- The Resurrection and the sacrifice of the Mass. 6p.
handwritten- The communion service of the Church of England. 14p.
handwritten- Communion in one kind. 4p.
handwritten- The Roman Catholic Church and Religious
Freedom. 5p.
handwritten- Indulgences. 6p.
handwritten- Some further thoughts on tradition. 3p.
handwritten- Dr. Rumble and Nectarius. 6p.
-typed- Indulgences.
Is the state bound to punish heretics?
Some details on tradition.
'The early church history of N.S.W." 4/10/1960 - lunch hour address.
History of St. Philip's church. 27/9/1960 - Lunch hour address.

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