Papers of the Diocese of Sydney Liturgical Commission relating to prayer book revision
- AU AU-MTC 047-047/15
- Série
- 1959-1964
Fait partie de Papers of D.B. Knox
Papers of the Diocese of Sydney Liturgical Commission relating to prayer book revision
Fait partie de Papers of D.B. Knox
Minutes & correspondence of the Liturgical Commission
Fait partie de Papers relating to Experimental Sunday Services and An Australian Prayer Book
DWB Robinson was a member of the committee set up by Synod to revise the Book of Common Prayer. This series contains minutes, reports, correspondence and draft services with annotations. Also includes collected minutes of NSW, Victorian, Queensland, Western Australian and South Australian sub-committees.
Robinson, Donald William Bradley
Papers relating to Experimental Sunday Services and An Australian Prayer Book
Correspondence, reports, survey data and draft liturgies collected by Rev. David Peterson, relating to revision of An Australian Prayer Book by the Diocese of Sydney's Liturgical Commission. Experimental services were used in churches around Sydney and feedback collected from ministers and parishioners.
Peterson, David G.
Includes minutes and agendas, action sheets and reports of the Commission reviewing the Anglican Clergy.
Lawton, William James
Includes reports on liturgical questions, draft guidelines and proposals and statement of policy. Correspondence relating to the revision of 'A Prayer Book for Australia'; and draft liturgies with annotations.
Lawton, William James