- AU AU-MTC 072/9
- Reeks
- 1987-1988
“The better time to be: utopian attitudes to society among Sydney Anglicans, 1885-1914” manuscripts and annotated typescripts
Lawton, William James
“The better time to be: utopian attitudes to society among Sydney Anglicans, 1885-1914” manuscripts and annotated typescripts
Lawton, William James
Biographical article by Neil Marks (1998), order of service for induction at Christ Church Gladesville, CV, gift prayer book from Christ Church parishioners, photographs
Lawton, William James
Moore College, BD ; University of London, Th.Schol. ACT
Lawton, William James
Papers related to the Marriage and Divorce Sub-Committee
The Subcommittee on Marriage and Divorce reported to the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Sydney
Lawton, William James
Papers related to the Sydney Diocesan Education and Book Society
The series contains copies of Committee minutes, memoranda, membership lists and correspondence relating to the business of the Society.
Lawton, William James
Papers related to Moore Theological College
The series contains copies of College committee minutes, memoranda and copies of College Ordinances and By-laws.
Lawton, William James
Includes reports on liturgical questions, draft guidelines and proposals and statement of policy. Correspondence relating to the revision of 'A Prayer Book for Australia'; and draft liturgies with annotations.
Lawton, William James
Includes reports, receipts and correspondence.
Diocese of Sydney Inner City Committee
Australian College of Theology Board of Diploma Studies papers
Syllabi and course notes for ministry and church history subjects; Exam papers and essay topics for ministry and church history subjects; Student essays for church history and D.Min. subjects; Correspondence and reports relating to students’ fieldwork for the Dip.Min.; Correspondence relating to preparations for the Australian Bi-Centenary celebrations
Lawton, William James