Showing 36 results

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Robinson, Donald William Bradley
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A student receiving a diploma from the Archbishop of Sydney, Donald Robinson
A student receiving a diploma from the Archbishop of Sydney, Donald Robinson
Annual Moore College Lectures - administration files
Annual Moore College Lectures - administration files
Archbishop Donald Robinson in the pulpit of St Andrew's Cathedral
Archbishop Donald Robinson in the pulpit of St Andrew's Cathedral
Archbishop D.W.B. Robinson and Mrs Marie Robinson
Archbishop D.W.B. Robinson and Mrs Marie Robinson
Archbishop D.W.B. Robinson in St Andrew's Cathedral
Archbishop D.W.B. Robinson in St Andrew's Cathedral
Archbishop D.W.B. Robinson with two other bishops
Archbishop D.W.B. Robinson with two other bishops
Archbishop Robinson discussing development plans with Rev John Saddington of St Clair
Archbishop Robinson discussing development plans with Rev John Saddington of St Clair
Archbishop Robinson making a presentation to Deaconess Mary Andrews on her retirement as Head Deaconess
Archbishop Robinson making a presentation to Deaconess Mary Andrews on her retirement as Head Deaconess
Articles and addresses
Articles and addresses
Biographical material relating to Anglican clergy and other individuals
Biographical material relating to Anglican clergy and other individuals
Results 1 to 10 of 36