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Student lecture notes

  • AU AU-MTC 001/12
  • Reeks
  • 1903-1950

The series contains notes on theological issues, religious sects and discussions of Biblical passages and early church history. Also student notebooks compiled during the study of theological subjects at Moore Theological College. A Range of Biblical, linguistic and philosophic notes are contained within the notebooks. Quantities vary widely with some subjects and individual students represented to a far greater extent than others. Including A.J.A. Fraser, H.C. Leplastrier, F. Rogers.

Moore Theological College

Visitors books

  • AU AU-MTC 001/10
  • Reeks
  • 1959-1998

The book contains handwritten entries of name, address and date of visit by visitors to Moore Theological College

Moore Theological College

Collected papers of Stephen Hodgkinson

  • AU AU-MTC 142-19
  • Reeks
  • 1983-2003

Papers relating to the management of St Matthias' Church, Centennial Park. Stephen Hodgkinson was on the Parish Council. A detailed contents list is at the front of each file.

Jensen, Phillip D.

Manuscript notes

  • AU AU-MTC 142-18
  • Reeks
  • 2005

Manuscript notes on assorted topics.

Jensen, Phillip D.

Papers relating to the Healing Ministry Trust

  • AU AU-MTC 142-17
  • Reeks
  • 2005-2010

Memorandum and Articles of Association, minutes of Trustees' meetings, reports on grant applicants and recipients, correspondence.

Jensen, Phillip D.

Personal papers

  • AU AU-MTC 421-3
  • Reeks
  • 1971-2007

Chaplaincy - 1971-1976
Commissioning as RAN Archdeacon - 1980
Ordination retreats - 1982-1986
Personal - 1980-2000
Thanksgiving service - St Philip's Church - 2000
50th wedding anniversary - 2003
Collected articles - 2002-2007

Jones, John Elliott

Military chaplaincy papers

  • AU AU-MTC 421-2
  • Reeks
  • 1967-2012

Addresses to Sydney Synod on chaplaincy - 1978-1986
Order of Australia Association service - 1993
Chaplaincy - 1986-2003
Police Remembrance Day services - 2009-2011
ANZAC Day Services - 1967-2012
Military sermons - 1973-1986
ADFA Commencement addresses - 1986
Chaplains' Conference - New Zealand - 1988
Navy Week services - 1974-2011
Remembrance Day services - 1997-2011

Jones, John Elliott

Sermon notes

  • AU AU-MTC 421-1
  • Reeks
  • 1978-2009

Acts 1-8
1 Corinthians 15
Ephesians 1-2
1 Thessalonians
Sermon notes 2003-2009
Funerals 1993-2013
Teaching resources
Sermon notes (unsorted)
Prayers 2003-2010
Sermon register 1989-1995
Sermon register - St Philip's Sydney - 1988-1991
Preaching course - Dick Lucas - 1978
'Smoko' talks for men

Jones, John Elliott

Manuscript maps of Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands

New Hebrides map - 50x76 cm - with watercolour illustrations of significant places relating to the Melanesian Mission.
'Charles Godden's cruise in the "Southern Cross" 1905' - map of Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands.
'Australian towns mentioned in the text' - map of eastern Australia relating to 'Lolowai: the story of Charles Godden and the Western Pacific' (1967).

Godden, Ruth Irene

Resultaten 1 tot 10 van 6451