Affichage de 1212 résultats

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School of Theology papers and brochures

  • AU AU-MTC 001/40
  • Série
  • 1963-2017

1973: The gifts of the Spirit - Rev. George Robinson;
1974, 1989, 2002-2003

Moore Theological College


  • AU AU-MTC 114/4
  • Série
  • 1946-1993

Includes correspondence relating to the Constitution of the Anglican Church of Australia, letters to Prime Minister Whitlam and correspondence with D.B. Knox relating to his role as lecturer in Church Law and the donation of Samuel Marsden's sermon manuscripts to Moore College in 1961.

Johnstone, John Roderic Lindsay


  • AU AU-MTC 168/1
  • Série
  • 1936-1973

IVF Executive Committee

General papers

  • AU AU-MTC 169/3
  • Série
  • 1955-1963

Newsletters, reports and correspondence

IVF General Committee

Subject files

  • AU AU-MTC 007/18
  • Série
  • 1970-2012

Files relating to various activities undertaken by the Registrar's Department. Mostly correspondence, reports and draft copies of college brochures and publications.

A – general (mostly correspondence) 1990-1998
Academic dress 1992-2006
Academic handbooks (annotated copies) 1996-2001
Academic records program 1999
Accreditation and quality 1994-2000
Accreditation – TAFE 1998-1999
Acts of Parliament 1983
Alan Craddock 1999
AMCL 2003-2007
AMCL arrangements 1999-2001
AMCL brochures 1977-2006
AMCL finance 1976-1987
AMCL minutes, agendas, correspondence 1974-2008
AMCL past lecturers 1990-1999
AMCL publicity 1985-2003
AMCL requests for information 1993-1999
Anglican Theological Year Book (Vic) 1978-2001
Annual dinner 1990-1998
Application forms 1993-1998
Archbishop of Canterbury 1997
Archbishop of Sydney (The Most Rev RH Goodhew) 1993-1998
Armidale candidates 1979-1993
Articles/papers – PFJ 1987
Audio-visual copyright 1993
Audi-visual publicity 1988-1989
Assessment 1995
Ausstudy 1992-2008
B – general file 1991-1999
BD moderation 1995-2006
Bibliographies (New Testament 1) 1998-2006)
Bible reading 1992-2001
Bible reading skills 1991
Bible Society 1973-2005
Bishop Stephen Bradley 1973-1997
BTh enrolments 1996-2002
C – general 1990-1999
Calendar 1987-2003
Cash chapel
Chaplaincy lists 1990-2004
Catechist positions 1979-1998
Catechists 1990-2002
Catecom 1991-1996
CEFM (Continuing education for ministers) 1973-2001
Centrelink 2008-2009
Chapel 2000-2006
Child protection 2000-2007
Church planting 1996
Church scene 1997
CMS 1974-1994
Clergy (discussions) 1987-1988
Colleges (other) 1996-2001
College news 2001-2006
Committee of Commission of Canon Law NSW 1972-1993
Congregational Students 1981-1992
Copyright 1987-2003
Council 1995-2002
Course development 1999
Cross cultural ministry candidates 1997
Curacy placements 1994
D – general file 1991-1998
Day of prayer 1984-2001
DEET public funding 1994-1998
Degrees 1991-2004
Doctrine Commission 1974-1994
Doctrine 1 notes & correspondence 1996
Doctor of ministry 1997
Doctor of philosophy 1998-1999
Donations 1982-1996
E – general 1990-1996
Educational consultancy 1989-1993
Education department 1990
Employer surveys – churches which do not employ Moore College graduates 2009
Employer survey – letter of introduction 2009
Employer survey – responses 2009
English language coaching 2001
Entrance examinations 2000-2006
Evaluation of lecturers 1995-2002
Exegetical assignments (New Testament) 2000-2003
Explorations 1992-1999
External markers 1996-2007
External examiners’ comments 1999-2002
New external studies committee 2010-2011
F – general file 1991-1997
Faculty 1989-2000
Faculty conference 1996-2011
Faculty Curriculum vitae 1988
Faculty Handbook 1979-1990
Faculty student reports 1992-1993
Fees 1998-2006
Fee-help 2007
Fisher Library 1970-1972
Festschrift – DB Knox 1984-1986
G – general file
General Synod 1981-2000
General Handbook 1990-1994
Graduation 1997-1998
Graduation photography 1996-1999
Graduation 1999
Graduation 2000
Graduation 2001
Graduation (includes photos) 2002-2007
Graduation 2008
Greek exercises 2005
Greek 1 2003
Greek 1 2005
Greek 1 2006
Greek 1 2007
Greek 2 2002
Greek 2 2005
John 1-5 Set Text NT2/Greek2 2005
Reading the New Testament 2004-2006
H – general file 1990-1999
Handbooks – 1995-1999
Higher Education Unit 1991-2001
Honoraria 1990-2005
Hoods 2006
Human Research Ethics Committee annual report 2009
I – general file 1991-1996
Information for incoming students 1990-1996
Information to outside bodies – 1995
Information Technology – 1990-2003
ITB in schools project 1995-1996
Interviewers (on behalf of the Principal) 1998-2006
J – general file – 1990-1997
K – general file
Korean PTC 1996
L – general file 1991-1997
Langham Trust 2001
Language requirements 1998
Library 1990-1994
Library lecture 1989
Librarian 1972-1992
M – general file 1990-2004
Marketing 1997-1998
Mary Andrews College 1990-2000
Medical Examiners 1996-2004
Memos from the Bursars 1984-1994
Memos from the Registrar 1997-1999
Memos on Noticeboard 1995-1997
Memos to Faculty 1990-1997
Missions, College and Diocesan 1990-2003
Mission Resource Handbook 1997-2001
Moore College marketing 1997
Mooretalk – Moore College Fellowship 1985-2002
N – general file 1994-2008
Name tags 1992-2006
Newspaper articles by college faculty 1984-1985
Newtown North Public School 1984-1990
O – general file 1990-1993
Oak Hill Theological College 2005
Open night 1995-1997
Orders 2000-2002
Ordination chaplains – correspondence 1994-2002
Ordination details 1992
Ordinance – Moore College 1984-2000
Orientation/houseparty 1990-2007
Overseas study information 1988-1993
Overseas Committee 1997-2006
Overseas students – CRICOS 1990-2008
Overseas students – confirmation of enrolment 1997
Overseas students – accreditation of institution 1993-1997
Overseas students – application and reference forms
Overseas students – DEET 1995-1999
Overseas students – Form NC 1999
Overseas students – Acceptance advice forms 1987-1995
Overseas students health scheme 1989-2008
Overseas students – Medibank Private 1994-2007
Overseas students – IELTS 1991-2002
Overseas students – information for inquirers 1989-2001
Overseas students – mediation services 2002
Overseas students – VETAB 1994-2007
Overseas students – ESOS Act 1994-2011
P – general file 1990-1995
Parramatta Anglican Regional Council 1981-1994
Part-time students – special circumstances 1983-1993
Positions vacant 2002
Positions vacant – exiting MTC students 1989-2000
Prayer bulletin 1988-1996
Prayer and support group 1990-1998
Presbyterian Students 1990-2001
Primary documents 1997-2010
Principals’ Conference 1994-1998
Principal’s Secretary 1974-1985
Printing 2007
Projects – Fourth year 1995-2005
Prospectus 1990-2003
Publications 1971-1996
Publicity 1991-2003
Q – general file 1991-1997
R – general file 1990-1996
Reformed Theological Review 1975-2006
Regions – Students from Wollongong, Parramatta, Northern etc. 1985-2000
Registrar 1982-1997
Registration 1998-2003
Resubmit forms 2004-2007
Remedial English 2001
Research assistants 1996-2007
Research fellows 1996-2004
Room lists 1973-1998
S – general file 1990-2002
SATS Manila 2000-2001
School of cross-cultural mission 1999-2001
School of theology 1984-1995
Selection interviews 1999-2004
Single quarters handbooks 1990-2000
Snap Printing 2002-2003
Societas 1987-2005
Sport and Recreation Committee 1978-1995
Statistics 1988-2004
Student cards 1989-1992
Student rosters 1998-2002
Students’ Union 1980-1992
Study leave 1985-1999
Students here on study leave 1997-2005
Style guide
Surveys 1997-1998
Sydney candidates 1990-2005
Sydney College of Divinity 1982-1997
Sydney College of Divinity review of St Andrew’s Orthodox College 1997
Synod reports 1982-2008
T – general file 1995-1999
Theological colleges – fees and courses 1990-2000
Timetables 1990-2004
Timetables 2000-2007
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae 2001
Transport concession cards 1999-2006
Tutorials 1996-2004
U – general file 1986-1996
University of Sydney 1972-2005
University of Sydney ITL 2005-2007
University of Western Sydney 1999-2004
University of Wollongong 2002
Universities – Doctoral negotiations 1999-2000
V – general file 1992-1998
Visiting lecturers 1989-2007
Visiting lecturer – Andersen, W.E. 1984-1999
Visiting lecturer – Athas, George 1996
Visiting lecturer – Avery, Kay 2000-2005
Visiting lecturer – Bales, John 2002-2006
Visiting lecturer – Barnett, P.W. 1978-2005
Visiting lecturer – Bray, Roger 1998-2005
Visiting lecturer – Breward, Ian 1996-1999
Visiting lecturer – Broughton, G.I. 2002-2005
Visiting lecturer – Chapman, Canon J. 1979-2005
Visiting lecturer – Charleston, Mark 2004-2005
Visiting lecturer – Colquhoun, W. 1992-2005
Visiting lecturer – Craddock, Alan 1978-2005
Visiting lecturer – Davies, Glenn N. 1996-1997
Visiting lecturer – De Salis, Peter 1999-2005
Visiting lecturer – Dumbrell, Bill 2001-2003
Visiting lecturer – Goldsworthy, G.L. 2002-2006
Visiting lecturer – Goodhew, R.H. 1986-2000
Visiting lecturer – Hall, Bruce 1984-2000
Visiting lecturer – Hewetson, David 1992-2006
Visiting lecturer – Jarrett, Narelle 1996-2005
Visiting lecturer – Jensen, P.D. 1990-2003
Visiting lecturer – Jensen, P.F. 2002-2005
Visiting lecturer – Kern, P. 1997-1998
Visiting lecturer – Mascord, K.A. 2002-2006
Visiting lecturer – Mears, I.M. 1983-1999
Visiting lecturer – Nobbs, Alanna 1996-1998
Visiting lecturer – Rosner, Brian 2001-2002
Visiting lecturer – Shead, Stephen 2002
Visiting lecturer – Starling, David 2001
Visiting lecturer – Stead, Michael 2007
Visiting lecturer – Watson, Alan 2001-2004
Visiting lecturer – Wilson, Mike 2001-2005
Visiting lecturer – Woodhouse, J.W. 1991-2002
W – general file 1993-1996
World mission 1999-2000
Women’s Fellowship 1985-2001
Women’s Fellowship Bible studies 1988-1995
XYZ – general file 1995-1998
Youth department 1990-2003
Youth and education commission 1997-1998

Registrar's Department


  • AU AU-MTC 172/4
  • Série
  • 1946-1959

International Fellowship of Evangelical Students

Illuminated testimonial

  • AU AU-MTC 043/4
  • Pièce
  • 1931

Presented "to the Reverend Canon R.B.S. Hammond .. from the friends and guests of Hotel Hammond"

Hammond, Robert Brodribb Stewart

Résultats 181 à 190 sur 1212