Moore College Committee involvement
- AU AU-MTC 047-047/1
- Reeks
- 1960-1985
Part of Papers of D.B. Knox
Canon Knox, in the course of his involvement with Moore Theological College and other agencies, participated in a myriad of their Committees, the minutes of which comprises this series. They include:
Minutes of Moore College Committee, 1982-1983
Minutes of Moore College Council, 1983-1985
Minutes of Board of Studies, c. 1983
Minutes of Friends of Moore College
Minutes of Faculty of Meetings, 1970-1985
Minutes of Board of Examiners, 1972-1977
Minutes of External Studies Committee, 1966-1984
Minutes of Course Review Committee
Minutes of Intervarsity Fellowship Committee, c. 1960-1970
Minutes of Moore College Library Executive, c. 1972-1984
Minutes of Directors of I.M.P.A.C.T. Books, c. 1966-1985
Knox, David Broughton