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Archivistische beschrijving
Robinson, Donald William Bradley
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Historical papers

Items relating to or summarizing the history of the Deaconess Institution, Deaconess House and Deaconesses in Australia.
Paper on the history of Deaconesses in Sydney - Margie Mills - undated
'The Church of England Deaconess Institution, Sydney' - historical notes, typescript, 2 leaves., undated.
Transcript of talk given by the Archbishop of Sydney Donald Robinson at Women's Ministry Thanksgiving, Darling Harbour, 1991.
History of the Deaconess Institution - Marion Gabbott - 1991
Deaconesses in the Church of England in the 19th century - B.D. (Hons) thesis, Sydney University - Margaret Rodgers - 1977
Role of Deaconess House - undated typescript
Photocopy of Southern Cross special report - 1986
Lists of Deaconess House graduates, former Deaconess House students serving as missionaries, Deaconess Institution roll of service, arrival and departure dates at Deaconess House, Deaconess Appointments as at 1975.
ADM history - key dates to 2011
Transcript of Australian Church Record article on Deaconesses - July 31, 1886.
Braeside Hospital - key dates - Daphne Bragg
'The Deaconess: fifty years of service illustrates 1891-1941'
Hope Healthcare - list of key dates to 1996.
A.D.I.S.L. History - typed historical notes, undated, dates mentioned up to 2001.
'Hospitals of Hope: celebrating a century of the Homes of Peace' book published 2007
30th anniversary of the ordination of the first women deacons in Sydney Diocese 1989-2019.
The Diaconate for Women - E. Glenys Lewis, Head Deaconess of the Diocese of Auckland.

Annual Moore College Lectures - administration files

  • AU AU-MTC 388-3
  • Reeks
  • 1977-1990

Each file contains correspondence, ephemera and notes on the Annual Lecture for each year.
AMCL 1977 - F.F. Bruce - 1977
AMCL 1978 - J.I. Packer - 1977-1984
AMCL 1979 - D.B. Knox - 1979-1980
AMCL 1980 - Klaas Runia - 1977-1983
AMCL 1981 - D.W.B. Robinson - 1979-1984
AMCL 1982 - Norman Geisler - 1981-1983
AMCL 1983 - W.J. Dumbrell - 1983
AMCL 1984 - Kenneth Kantzer - 1982-1984
AMCL 1985 - D.A. Carson - 1984-1985
AMCL 1986 - W.J. Lawton - 1986
AMCL 1987 - Bruce Waltke - 1986-1987
AMCL 1988 - D.A. Carson - 1987-1988
AMCL 1989 - R.T. France - 1988-1990

Friends of Moore College Lectures Committee


  • AU AU-MTC 364-2
  • Reeks
  • 1964

Brochure advertising a half-day conference for men, 28th November 1964, at St John's Church Parramatta, with D.W.B. Robinson as the speaker. Also includes some background information on YECL.

Young Evangelical Churchman's League

Articles and addresses

Evangelicals and Australian Church Union (Lance Shilton, 1966)
Is church union the answer? (D.W.B. Robinson, 1966)
The Prayer Book experimental services (W.J. Lawton, 1967)
Modern theology (B.L. Smith)
Women and the Church (Patricia Judge, 1976)
Captial punishment (Michael Hill, 1978)
'Here we offer you a spiritual sacrifice' in A Prayer Book for Australia - a preliminary estimate (Robert Doyle, 1995)
The principles of doctrine and worship in the Book of Common Prayer and the Thirty-Nine Articles (Donald Robinson, 1995)
Can Anglican worship survive the new prayer book? (David Peterson, 1995)
"A Prayer Book for Australia" - the aftermath (John G. Mason, 1995)
Theological and moral tendencies in A Prayer Book for Australia (Edwin Judge, 1995)
What must not change in a changing church (Bruce Ballantine-Jones, 1995)
A Prayer Book for Australia and reformed, biblical Christianity (John Woodhouse, 1995)
The Synod Survival Manual (Robert Tong, 1996)
Husbands, wives and Gog (Stephen and Marion Gabbott, 1995)

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