Affichage de 24 résultats

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Knox, David Broughton
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D. Broughton Knox

  • AU AU-MTC 001/16-3-95
  • Pièce
  • 1970s
  • Fait partie de Photographs

Includes b/w and colour passport sized photos

Annual Moore College Lectures - administration files

  • AU AU-MTC 388-3
  • Série
  • 1977-1990

Each file contains correspondence, ephemera and notes on the Annual Lecture for each year.
AMCL 1977 - F.F. Bruce - 1977
AMCL 1978 - J.I. Packer - 1977-1984
AMCL 1979 - D.B. Knox - 1979-1980
AMCL 1980 - Klaas Runia - 1977-1983
AMCL 1981 - D.W.B. Robinson - 1979-1984
AMCL 1982 - Norman Geisler - 1981-1983
AMCL 1983 - W.J. Dumbrell - 1983
AMCL 1984 - Kenneth Kantzer - 1982-1984
AMCL 1985 - D.A. Carson - 1984-1985
AMCL 1986 - W.J. Lawton - 1986
AMCL 1987 - Bruce Waltke - 1986-1987
AMCL 1988 - D.A. Carson - 1987-1988
AMCL 1989 - R.T. France - 1988-1990

Friends of Moore College Lectures Committee

The Lord of Heaven and Earth - unpublished teaching series

This document reveals the full text of a series of addresses which Chapman gave at numerous points in his public ministry. Chapman states in the preface that the material owes its inspiration to a series of sermons given by Dr. Broughton Knox at the CMS Summer School for Queensland and Northern NSW in 1965. The addresses cover a range of themes including the sovereignty of God, the righteousness of God manifested in the atonement, the theme of the kingdom of God in the preaching ministry of Jesus and Paul, and the love of God in creation and redemption. These would become significant themes in Chapman’s later publications.

Draft manuscripts and notes for PhD thesis

  • AU AU-MTC 230/1
  • Série
  • 2009-2018

David John Davies (1879-1935): his thought and influence; Nathaniel Jones (1861-1911): analysis of his thought and estimate of his influence; list of corrections for published version of 'Anglican Evangelicalism in Sydney, 1897 to 1953'.
John McIntosh's thesis Anglican Evangelicalism in Sydney, 1897 to 1953 was submitted in 2014 to the University of New South Wales, and published in the Australian College of Theology Monograph series in 2018.
Also manuscript notes relating to D.B. Knox's D.Phil thesis.

McIntosh, John Alan

Academic administrative files

Box 1:
Faculty student reports (1982-1991)
Examining chaplains (1985-1988)
Examining chaplains correspondence and reports (1969-1993)
Box 2:
Deaconess House Correspondence 1954-1989
Dr Crabb lectures 1984
Course for Christian teaching in schools 1975
Consultation on World Evangelisation in Thailand (Lausanne committee) 1979
Commencement prizes and diplomas (1957-1982)
Commencement 1988
Faculty correspondence 1971-1986
Education department overseas 1971-1987
Box 3:
Faculty news (1984-1989)
Honoraria (1956-1969)
Graduation 1989-1992
Handbook 1984-1989
Presbyterian students 1977-1989
Overseas students applications and reference forms
Prayer and support group 1976-1987
Overseas student health cover 1988-1992
Australian Government Health Scheme
Orientation House party 1983-1989
Box 4:
Selection conference 1984-1986
Selection conference programming 1986-1989
Registration 1985-1989
Reading evaluation for 1st years (Dr E. Furniss) 1982, 1984
Reading comprehension text (ACER) 1979
Committee of Enquiry into Public Libraries 1975
Prospectus requests 1983-1989
Overseas students correspondence with Dept of Employment, Education and Training 1985-1992
Box 5:
Ordination details 1974-1989
New Testament Department minutes 24/6/1985
Missions – College & diocesan 1962-1989
Ministers of the Crown - correspondence - 1974
Memos to faculty 1987-1990
Members’ Fellowship (formerly Old Students’ Union) 1985-1986
Medicals for incoming students 1985-1992
Library lecture 1975-1988
Loane, M.L. - correspondence 1982-1991
Library 1977-1989
Knox, D.B. - farewell dinners 1984
Moore College journal 1981
Jensen, P.F. - installation as principal 1/3/1985
Information for incoming students 1976-1989
Immigration department 1982
A.C.T. Board of delegates 1983-1990
Box 6:
A.C.T. Board of degree studies 1984-1990
A.C.T. Board of Graduate studies 1984-1987
Box 7:
Chaplaincy lists 1981-1985
Church growth conference 1989
A.C.T. correspondence 1969-1978
Application forms - full time students 1975
College dinner 1966
Principal - report 1969-1971
Chapel rosters 1968-1978
Timetables 1958-1982
Box 8:
Syllabi 1945-1966, 1970-1972, 1976
Syllabi - Courses I-IV - 1973-1974
Greek course IV 1972-1976
Examination papers 1974
Biblical theology - first year 1964-1977
Box 9:
Annual Dinner 1980-1989
Archbishop of Sydney 1982-1985
Australian Church Record 1975-1987
College calendar 1974-1990
Chapel 1984-1990
Bishops - correspondence - 1969-1989
Articles by faculty members 1972-1977
Continuing Presbyterian Church 1975
Voice production 1985-1986
White Horse Hotel 1977-1981
Visiting lecturer - Warne, Clifford 1979-1993
Visiting lecturer - Reid, J.R. 1986-1987
Visiting lecturer - Knox, D.B. 1986-1988
Visiting lecturer - Hill, Michael 1983-1986
Visiting lecturer - Smith, T. 1984-1988
Visiting lecturer - Wallace, T. 1983-1990
Visiting lecturers - Diocesan Board of Education 1978-1990
Box 10:
Tutors - fourth year 1988
Timetables 1983-1989
Sydney Diocesan Education and Book Society 1978-1980
Sydney candidates 1974-1989
Students - proposal for additional pastoral training 1980
Soldiers' Children Education Board 1976-1986
Contents exams - first year 1975
Contents exams 1976
B.Th. essay submissions 1982
Th.L. New Testament exams 1946-1968
Th.L. Church history exams 1944-1967
Th.L. Doctrine exams 1944-1967
Th.L. Old Testament exams 1944-1967
Th.L. Philosophy exams 1946-1966
Exam papers - fourth year 1961
Exam papers - biblical ethics 1975
Exam papers - homiletics - first year 1967-1968
Context exam papers 1944-1967
Director of studies 1957-1968
Box 11:
Training for the ministry conference 1960-1961
Correspondence - donations 1974-1975
Knox, D.B. - festschrift contributors 1985
Boarders - applications and correspondence 1963-1974
Box 12:
Boarders - applications and correspondence 1975-1983
Boarders - non-theological 1972-1976
Box 13:
Syllabi - 1977-1988
Box 14:
Syllabi 1989-1990
College coat of arms 1957
Ugandan refugees - correspondence 1975
University degrees 1976
Forms of submission to Synod 1970
Th.L. examiners reports 1976
Daunton-Fear R.D. - correspondence 1964-1971
SPCK - correspondence 1961-1977
Deacons course 1963
Prayer Book deviations 1967
Theological education - correspondence 1955-1974
Diploma information 1964-1970
Prospectus information 1973
Final examinations 1972-1974
College appointments 1973-1975
Diploma in Religious Education 1963-1965
Room lists 1961-1971
Correspondence 1957-1972
Box 15:
Correspondence 1947-1973
Box 16:
Syllabi 1991-1992
Summer Greek Course 1991-1994
Correspondence 1978-1989
Correspondence 1971-1989 - A-B
Box 17:
Correspondence 1971-1989 - C-H
Box 18:
Correspondence 1974-1989 I-R
Box 19:
Correspondence 1974-1989 S-Z
Correspondence - enrolment enquiries 1970-1980
Box 20:
Correspondence - enrolment enquiries 1981-1988
Box 21:
Correspondence - enrolment enquiries 1989
Orientation 1986-1993
Vacation work 1965-1991
Youth Department 1978-1989
Syllabi 1993
Box 22:
Graduation 1994-1996
Visiting lecturer - Bruce Smith - 1978-2001
Registration - 1989-1998
Overseas students - ESOS Act - 1991-1993
B.Th. essay topics - 1992-1998
AMCL 1990 - P.F. Jensen
AMCL 1991 - I.H. Marshall
AMCL 1992 - P.T. O'Brien
AMCL 1993 - Peter Adam
AMCL 1994 - D.G. Peterson
AMCL 1995 - H. Blocher
Box 23:
AMCL 1996 - P.W. Barnett
AMCL 1997 - Murray Harris
AMCL 1998 - Barry Webb
ACT Board of degree studies - 1996-1999
ACT Board minutes - 1998-1999
ACT correspondence - 1995-1996
Box 24:
ACT correspondence - 1995-1996
BD advisory committee - 1992-1998
B.Th. assessment - 1983-1990
Schedule of weekly lectures - 1984-1996
Hospital chaplaincy - 1992-1998
Box 25:
Chapel committee - 1982-1984
DEET - 1993-1995
Timetables - 1993-1999

Résultats 1 à 10 sur 24