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Archivistische beschrijving
Hammond, Thomas Chatterton
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Library interior
Library interior
Moore College faculty members
Moore College faculty members
Cyril Garbett, Archbishop of York, with T.C. Hammond, Archbishop H.W.K. Mowll and Rev R.B. Robinson
Cyril Garbett, Archbishop of York, with T.C. Hammond, Archbishop H.W.K. Mowll and Rev R.B. Robinson
Records of Evangelical Tracts and Publications
Records of Evangelical Tracts and Publications
Lecture notes and outlines
Lecture notes and outlines
Draft manuscripts and notes for PhD thesis
Draft manuscripts and notes for PhD thesis
Portrait of T.C. Hammond
Portrait of T.C. Hammond
Biographical material relating to Anglican clergy and other individuals
Biographical material relating to Anglican clergy and other individuals
Annotated published works
Annotated published works