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Archival description- AU AU-MTC 041/3-10
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- 17/9/1908
Part of Correspondence sent
Jones describes the letter as a "sort of circular letter which may be read to the students". Written whilst Jones was on leave in England. Chambers was standing in for him at Moore College. Recounts his time spent at Oxford, as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Griffith Thomas, also his stay in London. Describes the Southwark Cathedral and it's system of chanting the psalms. Mentions a visit to Bethnal Green and the parish of St. James the Senior which Jones describes in detail along with a full account of the works and programs active there. Gives a review of the Church Amy (pages 12 - 16).
Letter to [the Bishop of Melbourne]
- AU AU-MTC 041/3-1
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- 16/3/1897
Part of Correspondence sent
Recipient unidentified but addressed by Jones as My Lord. Most likely the Bishop of Melbourne.
Discusses the possibility of Jones taking up the position of Principal of Moore College. Notes uncertainty about the future of Perry Hall, and outlines his goal of establishing a theological college with a three year degree and with the Cambridge Preliminary as the final examination.
Letter to [the Dean of Sydney]
- AU AU-MTC 041/3-2
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- 1897
Part of Correspondence sent
Recipient unidentified but addressed by Jones as 'Very Rev'd'
Discusses Jones' activities at Perry Hall and discusses the possibility of him taking up the position of Principal of Moore College. Requests further information about the position, and about the College itself. States his position at Perry Hall; the organisation of the Hall; the schedule followed by the readers, funding. Outlines his position to provide the same standard of education for his students as they would receive in England. Indicates the uncertainty of his position at Perry Hall, and his willingness to move if it would further his aims. Reassures the Dean about his state of health.
Letter to the Registrar of Durham University
- AU AU-MTC 041/3-3
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- 29/01/1901
Part of Correspondence sent
Request for information about the possibility of Moore College becoming affiliated with Durham University.
Letter to the Registrar of the Victoria University, Manchester
- AU AU-MTC 041/3-4
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- 29/01/1901
Part of Correspondence sent
Requesting information regarding Victoria University's degrees in Divinity and ways (if any) in which Australian colleges could become involved in, or sit for, those degrees. Enclosed the 1900 report for Moore College with the original letter. A note written below this letter indicates that substantially the same letter was sent to the Registrar of the University of London.
- AU AU-MTC 041/3-6
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- 22/5/1905
Part of Correspondence sent
Duplicate typescript, corrected copy. Inquiring about the possible adoption of a single hood and the granting of letters to students passing the English Theological Primary. Jones outlines his use of the examination and notes the competition coming from the Australian College of Theology. Gives grounds for favouring the English Theological Preliminary and seeks confirmation of recent reports that the examination was losing favour among English Bishops.
- AU AU-MTC 041/3-9
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- 22/1/1906
Part of Correspondence sent
Reply to Bautcher's letter 9th Jan, 1906. Gives answers to Bautcher's queries about the legality of the stole and about the practice of turning to the East at the recitation of the Creed.
Letter to W.H. Griffith Thomas
- AU AU-MTC 041/3-5
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- 5/3/1901
Part of Correspondence sent
Second request for information about London Divinity degrees. Describes the establishment of the Australian College of Theology by the Australian Bishops and conflict between Moore College and the Bishops. Jones indicates the need for Moore College to enable it's students to obtain degrees in Theology in some way. Discusses material for a book teaching Theology using the Epistles as a basis and the Gospels as illustration. Jones asked Griffith Thomas to make inquiries about publishing the volume in England. A note at the end indicates that the original letter then proceeded to personal inquiries.
Letter to W.H. Griffith Thomas
- AU AU-MTC 041/3-8
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- 16/7/1905
Part of Correspondence sent
Duplicate typescript. Providing a rough sketch of the courses run by Jones. Describes a conference held in Sydney 5th June, 1905, at Jones' instigation, for discussion, prayer, and mutual support. Gives thoughts on Griffith Thomas' books and some reply to his suggestions on the proposed book by Jones on the Articles.