Drafts and revisions of course outlines
- AU AU-MTC 008/3-008/3/1
- Subsérie
- 1970-2000
Parte de Course outlines
Christian Education II, Reformation Church History, New Testament 2 & 3, Epistle to the Romans
Drafts and revisions of course outlines
Parte de Course outlines
Christian Education II, Reformation Church History, New Testament 2 & 3, Epistle to the Romans
Gospel & epistles of John, Doctrine, NT, OT, Christian education, Introduction to the Bible, Reformation Church history, Religious education, Prayer Book, Early church history, modern church history, historical theology, OT1 synopsis, Ephesians, Introduction to the Bible, Antiguo Testamento, Adoracion Cristiana, Chinese: Introduction to the Bible, NT1, Doctrine1, Reformation Church history.
Preaching & sermons, Evangelism, Christian missions, Youth leadership, Christian ethics, Prayer Book I, Doctrine I & II, Doctrine IV: Philosophical Theology, Historical Theology, Old Testament I - III, Religious Education II, Worship, Modern Church History, New Testament I-IV, Seven modern sects.
Department of External Studies