Showing 1182 results

Authority Record

Ash, Ronald

  • 267
  • Person
  • Ordained priest 1948

Archdall, Mervyn

  • 188
  • Person
  • 1846-1917

Mervyn Archdall was born in Clonmel, Ireland, and studied at Corpus Christi College Cambridge. He married Martha Karow in 1882 and they sailed to Sydney that same year. He served at St Mary's Balmain and in 1902 became Canon of St Andrew's Cathedral. He promoted deaconesses and founded 'Bethany' for their training in 1891. In 1908 he was appointed Rector of St Stephen's Penrith and served there until his retirement in 1913. He died of cardiac disease in 1917.

Archbishop's Olympic Games Taskforce

  • 086
  • Corporate body
  • 1993-

This group was established by the Synod of the Diocese of Sydney to develop Anglican Ministry to the Sporting community with particular focus on the lead up to the Sydney 2000 Olympics and beyond.

Anglican Youth Department

  • 369
  • Corporate body
  • 1950-1998

The Youth Department of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney was established in 1950 by Archbishop H.W.K. Mowll, with Rev Graham Delbridge as the first Director. Rev Delbridge had been appointed the first Chaplain for Youth in 1942. In 1998 the Anglican Youthworks organisation was formed, with a Council consisting of the Archbishop and 11 other members, including the CEO.

Results 1121 to 1130 of 1182