Affichage de 6462 résultats

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Constitution and by-laws

  • AU AU-MTC 074/1
  • Série
  • 1974-2001

The Constitution of the Mothers' Union in Australia was drawn up and accepted following the granting of autonomy in 1974. It came into operation on the 8th June 1977 and was amended in 1983, and is consistent with the Constitution of the Central Council of the Mothers' Union in England. This series includes copies of the original and revised constitutions, and the by-laws and rules drawn up in 2001.

Mothers' Union in Australia Council

Council meeting reports

  • AU AU-MTC 074/2
  • Série
  • 1952-1998

The Australian Commonwealth Council met triennially. Included in the reports are the President's Address and reports from the Secretary, Treasurer and Department Secretaries/Chairs.

Mothers' Union in Australia Council


  • AU AU-MTC 074/3
  • Série
  • 1996

Includes a history of the Mothers' Union in Australia, departments, information on the Anglican Church and guidelines for MU branches.

Mothers' Union in Australia Council

Year of the Family material

  • AU AU-MTC 074/5
  • Série
  • 1994

Orders of service, outline of MU's involvement from President Elizabeth Appleby, list of liturgical resources, Theology of the Family by Keith Rayner

Mothers' Union in Australia Council

Minutes and reports

  • AU AU-MTC 078/1
  • Série
  • 1996-2003

Not the official minutes. Collected by a committee member who made annotations by hand. Also includes lists of members and general information for Committee members.

Mothers' Union in Australia - Diocese of Sydney - Executive Committee

Resource packs

  • AU AU-MTC 079/1
  • Série
  • 2000-2005

Guidelines for workshops, songs and prayers, catering ideas and recipes, craft ideas and instructions.

Caritas - Diocese of Sydney


  • AU AU-MTC 081/1
  • Série
  • 1980-1984

Minutes and reports of the SDCA executive, until their final meeting in 1984.

Sydney Diocesan Churchwomen's Association

Résultats 1 à 10 sur 6462