Missions, social welfare, youth and other parachurch organisations:
Anglican Historical Conference
Anglican Church League
Bishop Broughton Centenary
Board of Diocesan Missions
Board of Education
Bush Brotherhood
Bush Church Aid
Charlton Home for Boys
Christian Social Order Movement
Church Army
Church of England Boys' Society
Church of England Fellowship
Church of England Homes
Church of England Immigration Office
Church of England Mens' Society
Church of England Sunday School Institute
Church of England Temperance Society
Church of England Youth Department
(Sydney Diocesan) Churchwomen's Association
Community of the Sisters of the Church
Deaconess Institution
Gilbulla Memorial Conference Society
Girls' Friendly Society
Glebe Administration Board
Home Mission Society
Mothers' Union
Order of St Luke the Physician
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
Sydney Church of England New Housing Areas Committee
Sydney Diocesan Archives and Church History Museum
200th Anniversary of the first Christian service in Australia
Vision for Growth - Archbishop Robinson
Vision 2001 - Archbishop Goodhew
Young Anglican Association